Tag Archive | bitter gourd

Solsona: Zone of the Rising Sun

I went for a short holiday at my home town before our move to Reading, UK. I was so happy to be back for a quick visit.  I took some pictures showing the countryside I love so much. It is always nice to come home.

magnificent view of the rice fields

I always make it a habit to have a swim in the river every time I am home. I love the cold and fresh water which are coming down from the surrounding mountains.

Enjoying the water in the river

Growing up in the countryside was really nice and I miss the landscapes, the neighbours and the happy atmosphere in the village, where everybody knows each other.

We went for a walk one morning were we picked some green leafy vegetables on the way. The vegetables are what we call “ampalaya leaves” or  bitter gourd leaves. The ampalaya leaves are really bitter in taste as the name also indicates, but I love that special taste. That day I had it both for lunch and dinner as a side dish.

Every morning after breakfast,  Paula, my 2-year-old niece, is in a hurry to go to her “Ate Adrienne”, who is a relative’s 9-year-old daughter, because Paula wants to go to school as well. She takes her bag, which is bigger than herself, and walks around together with her little friend. They are both too young for school, but can hardly wait.

Meet my niece Paula and her friend

On the day I was bound to go back home to Singapore again, I had a chance to visit my old high school, The Solsona National High School (Talugtog Campus) and watch the school intramural. I met my former high school teachers, chatted and enjoyed watching the cheering competition between 2 teams.

cheering team

We watched the Sepak Takraw, a ball game where the players can use the head, back,  legs and any other body part except for the arms,  from shoulder down tot he point of the fingers.

Sepak Takraw

We also watch volleyball for women and baseball for the guys. We had so much fun, it is like bringing back the old  high school memories.

On that same day, I went for a short stroll in town and I took a picture of our municipal hall.

The tree house


The town Plaza


The Municipal Hall

Saying goodbye was not easy but I had to. I remember a friend said, “saying goodbye makes the new hello closer”.  Looking forward for the next visit, can’t wait.